How appeared hot air balloon?

On RentIn you can rent a hot air balloon. Cool, yea?

But how appeared this aircraft?

All started in France in June 5, 1783. In this day brothers Montgolfier has made giant paper ball with volume of 600 cubic meters. Through the grape branches they filled it by smoke from the fire. So, this balloon climbed at 2 000 meters high. And after 10 minutes it landed in 2 km from the start place.

This achievement inspired another inventor Jacques Alexander Charles to enhanced development his hot air balloon, in which he used hydrogen. He with assistants made a big silk balloon. I was soaked with rubber and its diameter was 3,6 meters. First air balloon with hydrogen was started August 27, 1783. It flew so high, that people can’t see it besides clouds. But after 1 km hydrogen exploded inside balloon.

And today after 200 years we can fly by modern hi-tech hot air balloon.

If you want to explore this unforgettable experience, rent hot air balloon on!


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